Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pinterest is good for a lot more than sharing recipes!

I've been exploring lately. While I enjoy the recipe-sharing and craft ideas as much as the next person, it seems to me that it is a great vehicle for sharing ideas in a transliterate way. In Pinterest, the user creates 'boards' which are a collection of 'pins'. Each pin is represented by an image of some kind, a short explanation and probably a link to somewhere. I created a collection of images, links, ideas, and learning objects that I might use in next week's Transliteracy Institute. You can check out my Transliteracy board here.

One of my pins is this:

On the surface this looks like a lovely tribute to Whitney Houston. But what's wrong with this picture? Do you know? Whitney Houston sang those words, many times. Many other performers sang this song. Lorelei Gilmore karaoke'ed them on The Gilmore Girls. But it was Dolly Parton who wrote the song. She's the one who strung those particular words together in that particular order, and she's the one whose name should be in that attribution above. Certainly Whitney Houston's interpretation is unforgettable, but she did not write the words. What a great tool for learning about the responsible use of images and text, don't you think? (And who created the image? I didn't even go there!)

Here's Dolly Parton singing her song in 1974 on Hee Haw! I picked this video out of many on YouTube because Dolly introduces the song:

(Margaret wrote this blog.)